Fabrizio Vella


Who I am

I am a winemaker. I live and work in Sicily.

Passionate and proud of my island that I call home, I wanted to create a range of wines that reflected my personality, and that told my Sicily in the glass.

I am convinced that extreme elegance in a wine is achieved thanks to balance and that this is achieved by exploring, by knowing. Only by knowing the world of wine in depth can it be possible to grasp secrets, discover trends, anticipate changes.

And you have to taste, I have always supported this, with one’s own head, in freedom.

What I do

I am an oenologist, someone who transforms grapes into wine with the help of technique and the support of Mother Nature.

I smell, taste, listen to the wine.
Only in this way can I reflect, get a first idea.
Then, the mind comes into play, but there is always direct contact first.

There are two Sicilian cultivars that I have chosen to produce my wines: Cattaratto and Nero d’Avola, autochthonous varieties with which four products come to life, using a biological approach and careful vinification to create fresh, exciting, and above all faithful wines to their origin.

Produced by TP2008IT via Vincenzo Florio 2 91025 Marsala